Thursday, July 18, 2019

@librarycongress and @gndnet link to @OCLC's #Viaf and beyond

In 2015 it was news that in VIAF, Wikipedia was replaced by Wikidata. In quick succession it was recently announced that both the American Library of Congress and the German Deutsche National Bibliothek announced that they are linking to Wikidata.

That is awesome enough. Awesome because as a result, Wikidata is easier to link to VIAF as every entry of the LoC and DNB results in a VIAF registration. The only thing needed to make this a reality in Wikidata is a dedicated bot for us to know all the good work done in the US and Germany.

Another relevant improvement that is of particular relevance to scientists like linguists is that it is now possible to authorise the GND to automatically update the ORCiD record. It will be truly awesome when this is the example other authorities follow.

It is a small step for Viaf to include ORCiD as it links to other scientific publications. For librarians and library systems this is most relevant. For Wikidata it will help with disambiguation and it allows us to populate our information with even more papers and co-authors.

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