Friday, June 22, 2007

Godwin's law

The Polish want to get their way in the European Union. They are talking about the number of Poles that would exist when there would not have been the second world war. There would have been SO many more Poles...

Well, think of it this way, if there had not been a second world war, how many Germans would have been there... or Russians... or Jews.

Really, our Mr Godwin is right; do not use the Nazis, the second world war as an argument.. it only demonstrates that you failed.


1 comment:

  1. Godwins Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.

    Anyway, the Fact that Polen is against the EU Condition has also good points. In the current draft
    * is no separation of powers
    * are no rights to force a resolution of the EU Parliament by the EU Parliament.
    * capitalism is forced; other forms of economics would be prohibited
    * allows 'deadly' shooting weapons against demonstrants under certain circumstances.
    * allows ways to introduce dead penalty.
    * forces no sozalistic obligation

    The EU Condition would be a really good thing if it would be done properly. Currently, the EU Condition is developed by the goverments in conspirancy rather than under public discussion. I think this is a bad thing.

    Ironically, the ore-reactionary, authoritarian, pope loving, homophobe, Polish are blocking the conditions because they want more participation weight--which seems the lesser problem to me.
    The Polish want a square of peoples weight in the EU Parliament rather than a stepping system. (I think it should be even better log based). This is the cause why they are talking so much about how many peoples they are.

    Also its interesting that the Polish have almost the same newspapers and technical periodicals than the Germans.
    Specially the polish Fakt and the german BILD are both owned by the german publishing house Springer. Bot, Fakt and BILD are very nationalistic and while Fakt is praising the Polish way, the BILD criticize it. I think its really bad when the newspapers don't have a neutral peoint of view. They should rather do both, show up the good and the bad things, rather than just nationalism.
