Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Dzongkha is a language spoken in Bhutan, India and Nepal. It is the official language of Bhutan. The Dzongkha Wikipedia is with currently 71 articles not really a success story.

For projects of this size, every active person makes a real difference. A new person came along today, Tenzin, and he has indicated that he wants to localise the most relevant messages for Dzongkha on Betawiki. He has created a user on the dz.wikipedia.

The Dzhongka Wikipedia predates the Language committee. So one new person has to make all the difference. I hope that this project will soon have several people working on their Wikipedia and with the basic localisation done a growing group of people finding use of their Wikipedia.


  1. Tenzin is done with translating the most used messages already. He's done a great job.

  2. I just ran across your blog and thought you might enjoy this site:

    ཇོང་ཁ wiki browser
