Monday, January 12, 2009

Chicken or egg

At Betawiki we use CLDR data for the language names in all all our languages. Many languages are supported in the CLDR but some are not. Picard is one language that is not supported in the CLDR yet. Not only are the locales for the language missing, the language is currently not known and consequently the translation for Picard in many languages are not available to us. In OmegaWiki we have a small list of names for Picard.

I have requested edit rights for the CLDR so that I can add values like pcd, Picard and the Dutch "Picardisch". I am grateful that I am given the opportunity to contribute.

I have now been asked if I can add values for the locales for Picard. Locales because Picard is spoken in Belgium and France. The person who asked localisation permission at Betawiki is obviously a much better person to ask to do this. It would be great when we stimulate the people from our community to contribute to the CLDR as it is one of the corner stones for the presence of a language on the Internet.


  1. Anonymous10:04 pm

    The Unicode Common Locale Data Repository provides key building blocks for software to support the world's languages. CLDR is by far the largest and most extensive standard repository of locale data. This data is used by a wide spectrum of companies for their software internationalization and localization: adapting software to the conventions of different languages for such common software tasks as formatting of dates, times, time zones, numbers, and currency values; sorting text; choosing languages or countries by name; and many others. use the localised language names in the CLDR extension. It would be great if a community member would be able to gain access into the CLDR sources and help out there, with translations that originate from First thing would be to get the English names in for languages that we have but are not yet in CLDR[1] (Added by Siebrand 14:20, 5 July 2008 (UTC))


    Glad you are picking this up, Gerard, although I had wished it would have been a person I did not know cared yet.

  2. A friend of mine is working on a project to collect CLDR data for African languages.. He aims to collect some 200. He promised that we can get the data when he is finnished with it.. Yes, I did blog about it :)
