Sunday, September 27, 2009

First numbers on OSM localisation

Siebrand provided me with these statistics on the work that has been done to localise Open Street Map. The project page on shows a graph with the aggregated numbers. Siebrand also updated the trunk stats for Open Street Map.
php languageeditstats.php --top=20 --day=20 --ns=1222
hsb       852
fr        589
nl        485
ru        354
nds       324
km        257
sr-ec     195
sv        187
sk        186
es        139
br        139
qqq       131
af        123
no        117
ja        113
pt-br     108
ksh       101
fi         97
hi         83
be-tarask  77
When you look at these numbers and at the trunk stats, you will find that some languages now have a full localisation, new are 131 (qqq) messages informing about the message that is to be translated and, OSM started with a lot of localisation work that had already been done.

Open Street Map currently has 783 messages to localise.

1 comment:

  1. Compare this to the number of localisations in the same period for MediaWiki.. There were 5184 for MW and 4657 for OSM..

    The interest in OSM will become less but it clearly shows the potential of
