Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dutch chapter's annual meeting

Annual meetings have their compulsory parts: the minutes of the last meeting, the monetary parts and the discharge of the treasurer, the board. The choosing of a new board. The plans for the coming year.

There were eight wonderful candidates and only six seats on the board. I am happy with the new board but I feel sad for Wutsje and Ziko that they were not elected.

The plans for the new year are promising: the intention is to professionalise the operations of the "vereniging". Many of the projects that are under way have to do with cultural heritage. A conference like the GLAM conference in Australia, contacts with several interesting cultural heritage organisations. Plans for cycle tours showing monuments and other artefacts .. it is a long list.

As is usual, we had a meal afterwards and many of the details, the tall stories, were told. My impression was one of a chapter that is going places.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:29 am

    oh, so with fr's, that makes 2 chapters having their annual meeting on the same day :)
