Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A special offer from #Wikia for the Gheg localisation community

When 750 new core messages are localised at #translatewiki.net , Wikia will import them into their system. There is more to this story. There has been major flooding in Albania, and as a consequence many open source applications are in use to provide disaster relief.

MediaWiki is used for disaster relief. There is a Wikia Wiki that will benefit from support for the Gheg language so we hope that this will entice people to work on the MediaWiki core messages.

This is a great and welcome offer, however the biggest need at this moment in time is localising OpenStreetMap when it is ready, it will stimulate even more people to put their place, their streets, their infrastructure on the map. This will help the people of Albania most at this time.


  1. If the flood is in Albania, why do you have the emblem of Kosovo in this post?

  2. Because that is the logo of the Wikia wiki.
