Sunday, June 27, 2010

Chapter meeting of #Wikimedia Nederland

Given the size of the Netherlands and the many people interested / involved in Wikimedia projects, it is no wonder we have three member meetings each year. Going to such meeting means meeting friends, talking shop and learning what is going on.

This meeting we had a presentation in addition to the numbers of and the feedback on chapter activities. RonaldB gave a presentation of statistics that indicate problems ahead for Wikipedia. The issue he highlighted was that we do not retain our editors. Particular new editors leave us in droves. As Erik Zachte was also present, a nice discussion evolved comparing methodology and interpretation.

One observation was that in our beginning social software did not exist and, the Wiki community very much filled a social need.

Quite special was the presence of Blueknight and Bibi. Blueknight's mother tongue is the Dutch Sign Language and he brought an interpretor in order to follow the meeting. This was fun; it meant that only one person could talk at a time, we had to pronounce well and every now and then we were asked to speak not that fast. The effect was that the meeting went really smoothly.

The most relevant parts of the meeting was the problem with key people becoming a show stopper and, the wish to make the chapter more professional. This is necessary because it allows us to follow up on the many requests from Dutch society for our cooperation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:58 am

    Personally, I think there were also some other reasons for the smoothness of the meeting. First of all there was one person threatening to beat us "very hard" when we talked to much en also there was the coffee lady who was reminding us about the time.
    Very nice blog btw

