Tuesday, June 22, 2010

#iPhone iOS 4 has superior #Unicode support

There are many publications singing the praises of the latest version of the iPhone operating system. Buried in all the attention for stuff like multi tasking, folders and other improvements for the iPhone is the first aspect of what makes the iPhone a preferred phone in India.

Its support for the Malayalam script is much improved. The Unicode characters show perfectly, it is only the old chillu characters that are an issue.

Life would be perfect when there was a way to actually enter the Malayalam characters.. Please Apple, what about an input method ?


  1. O noez! The evil reign of Apple is spreading o_O

  2. When they provide the best support, it is welcome news. I would like Android to do more of such heavy lifting.

  3. Life would be perfect when there was a way to actually enter the Malayalam characters.. Please Apple, what about an input method ?

    One of the Malayalam language computing activist has developed the tool for typing Malayalam in iphone/ipad. Details are here (but it is in Malayalam):


  4. old chillus are obsolete now. So it is not a major issue.

  5. Telugu font display on ios 4 seems fine. Some minor issues in one or two Gmail menus ( Trash/ Home) were noticed.

    Telugu typing is also fine with the built in Telugu Phonetic typing method of Telugu Wikipedia.

    For using other applications like mail, if Gmail can be configured to run in local language , desktop mode, with Google Transliterate toolbutton, the input method issue is solved. I tried for some time but did not succeed.

    Finally Indic users can enter the smartphone world , without being tied to just local language menus and SMS.
