Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sandra Ordonez good to see you

When the #Wikimedia Foundation was still located in St Petersburg, Sandra was its communication manager. I met her at Wikimania and she knew me well enough to introduce Valerie Sutton and SignWriting to me. It got me interested in writing sign languages..

On PBS.org Sandra wrote an interesting piece about what working for Wikipedia taught her about collaboration. What Sandra wrote is nice, it describes her experience ... and then there are the comments.

When you read them, I find that it has little to do with what Sandra wrote, they are the usual bunch talking about the usual things with no consideration whatever for the occasion.

So go ahead and read what Sandra wrote that part at least is nice.

1 comment:

  1. that made my day gerard :) if you are on facebook, we should connect :) Big hug ur way :)
