Wednesday, February 09, 2011

#Wikimedia monitors with #WatchMouse

When a website goes down, you can no longer inform about the status of your website. When you have as many websites and services as the Wikimedia Foundation and when you have a public spread out all over the world you want to provide and have great information about performance.

WatchMouse offers a network of monitors located all over the world who monitor the availability of services. At it provides an external place where everyone can check on the availability of Wikimedia services.

Seeing the first iteration of this service is wonderful. As it is, it provides great information on the technical infrastructure. What most users will be interested in is in learning the status of their project. This will need some careful thought because checking it for more then 800 projects is easier then presenting it nicely.

Having this ready while we are waiting for the installation of release 1.17 is absolutely wonderful.

1 comment:

  1. http:/ will show that there are currently 830 wikis.. (PS thanks Roan)
