Thursday, December 26, 2013

#Wikidata - The State prize of the #USSR

When Wikidata is to be relevant, it has to include sufficient data that is sufficiently structured. The question is very much how this relevance is to be achieved and as a consequence it has an impact on what data to add.

When Mr Kalashnikov died, a lot of effort went into adding to the Wikipedia articles about him. His Wikidata item gained many statements as well. This is great because as Mr Kalashnikov died recently, we know there is a lot of interest about him.

One of the awards he received was the State Stalin Prize. Obviously he was not the only person to receive it and, the English Wikipedia has a category with them. But so does the Russian Wikipedia and it contains many more people.

The Stalin Prize became the USSR State Prize. Its Russian category again is the most complete. Using such categories we can use "Widar" to enrich the items for the winners of awards.

When you approach what is in the news with attention to specific details, it will make Wikidata more informative. It is the best that we can do given that there is no data that indicates what people are really looking for in Wikidata.

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