Saturday, September 30, 2017

#Wikipedia - #Wikidata user stories

User stories are important. They indicate why a certain functionality exists or the purpose of a project. A "user story" has a fixed format:
As a <insert a role> I would like to <insert an activitiy> so that I <insert a purpose>.
One user story is: As a Wikipedia editor, I can link an article to articles in other language(s) so that a Wikipedia reader can find an article in a language he or she can read.

Another user story:  As a Wikidata editor, I can maintain statements on Wikidata items so that Wikipedia readers always have the latest information available to them.

The first user story has been a resounding success. It is why Wikidata was relevant from the start. The second is very much a work in process and it depends very much how the current state of affairs is evaluated. There are dependencies for the efforts of so many to have an effect;
  • Readers of a Wikipedia can only see the result when the information has been included in Wikidata
  • Wikipedia readers will only see the result when the editors of their Wikipedia allow them to see it
The first dependency is with Wikidata editors but the second dependency is outside of the influence of Wikidata editors. For this reason it makes sense to formulate a different user story: As a Wikidata editor I can maintain statements on Wikidata items so that Wikipedia editors can take the responsibility to inform their public.

To help these Wikipedia gatekeepers there is a need for tools that makes them aware of the information they do not provide.

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