Monday, October 21, 2019

Adegoke O. S. - Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences

It is easy enough to add "O.S. Adegoke" to Wikidata and mark him as a fellow of the AAS.  With only initials there is no way to know the gender and to me that is quite unsatisfactory. This is when Google becomes your friend when you find Mr Adegoke is addressed as "Silvester".

There are some 384 fellows and slowly but surely they find their way into Wikidata. If there is a point to it, it is the same point why there are fellows of the African Academy of Sciences; "they provide Advisory and Think Tank functions and help to develop strategies that promote science in Africa and that are relevant to the continent".

The objective of Wikipedia and, by inference Wikidata, is to share in the sum of all knowledge. As we do not really consider what is relevant for our public in Africa and for those interested in Africa the AAS in its choices of its fellows at least points in the right direction. Adding the AAS fellows to Wikidata is a puzzle because the format of names differ. Some 240+ fellows are known at Wikidata as data but for it to become informative there is a need for suplemental data and even better Wikipedia articles.

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