Sunday, January 14, 2007

Some homegrown statistics

OmegaWiki grows, the statistics provided by Kipcool show that quite clearly. Both the number of DefinedMeanings and the number of Expressions show a similar rate of growth. The current ratio between them is 14,49 Expressions for every DefinedMeaning. At the moment it is slowly decreasing.

This is in a way counter intuitive; the number of languages is steadily growing and often more translations are added to existing DefinedMeanings. It demonstrates that many concepts are added without too many translations. These translations are likely to be added at some stage.

Particularly the DM curve I expect to flatten soon. I expect that realistically there is a limit to the number of concepts out there. With the bio-medical data that we want to include, I expect that the ration will get a beating but this will slowly but surely creep again. After all the ISO-639-6 expects to include at least some 25.000 linguistic entities ...


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