With currently 54 publications to his name, none of his books are included. At the Open Library, Mr Doll is known five times and several books were known by these different Mr Dolls. All books have now been attributed to the Mr Doll with id OL1150080A. This identifier is now linked on Wikidata and reading the available books can be read by an international public.
All publications known at Wikidata for Mr Doll are represented in his Scholia. Given that there is much more to explore, this representation will evolve over time. People may add books or publications and additional co-authors may be disambiguated (currently a potential of 159 authors).
The English Wikipedia has a Scholia template and it is implemented on the Richard Doll article. Functionality like this makes all the effort worth it bringing information to a next level of exposure. It works both ways. Suppose that all references of all Wikipedia articles in any Wikipedia are to be found in Wikidata. All of these references will be known in the Red&Blue Wikibase. All references with an identifier like a DOI or an ISBN can easily be integrated in Wikidata for re-use in other Wiki projects.
With some additional work, it is even possible to associate references to individual statements and have them known in Wikidata as well. Again this promotes exposure of all the work we do and it promotes re-use in other Wiki projects.
- Scholia is/could be available as a template on any and all Wikipedias
- You can read books when available at OpenLibrary
- Anyone can contribute to the tapestry of information for any scholar
- References can easily be added in Red&Blue Wikibase
- These references can be linked to Wikidata making for one stop shopping for updates
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Professor Richard Doll’s research on the dangers of smoking was truly amazing, and his book Smoking Kills remains a fundamental text in public health. He utilized scientific evidence to educate the public, encouraging us to make informed about our health. In a similar way, online class help fastfocuses on providing students with quick and dependable support to aid their success. Just as Professor Doll’s findings empowered individuals with knowledge to enhance their health, online class help delivers the information and resources that allow students to excel academically. Both highlight the significance of timely and accurate information for making us informed whether regarding personal health or academic achievement.
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