In #Indonesia many languages are spoken. They are written in several scripts, the Latin script, Javanese, Batak. The literature in those scripts represents an vital source needed to understand these people, their language and their cultures.
I learned that Batak people are looking for the funds to have their script entered in Unicode and to have a modern font for their script. They are Indonesian people learning about world standards. Without Unicode entries for the glyphs their literature can not be transcribed on a computer.
Adding standardised glyphs into Unicode is specialist but also formal work. The standard for each glyph is defined, their behaviour is defined and the work is considered by standards organisation to ensure that they conform to the requirements defined in the standards.
The Tropenmuseum provided me with this letter from Si Singa Mangaradja the last "king" of the Batak to the Dutch general in charge of military affairs. Si Singa Mangaradja is considered a hero in Indonesia. Texts like this are important to understand the man, its people and the historic events.
With the Batak script in Unicode, with a freely licensed font, it becomes possible to publish Batak texts on DVD, on the Internet. The Batak people will be able to study their history and as important, their language is enabled for use in the twenty first century.
Glad to know there are people out there who care with Indonesian local language ;D
If you don't mind, would you translate the Sisingamangaraja's letter into English? Yesterday, I showed this post to one of my Bataknese friend. She said that the translation may be really helpful since not all the Batak native speakers can read the original script. However, still lots of them are able to read and write Batak language in Latin script.
John Allen's translation of Dutch/Belander text to English using Google Translate 2010.
Si Singa Mangaradja
in the Royal Tropical Institute
No. 687/75.
This is a letter (our king) Si Singa Mangaradja, who reigns over the black-eyed (the Batak),
addressed to Mr. "Colonel General", leader of the war of the Kompenie.
The reason that this letter comes to the lord "Colonel General" is
this: I've heard that you are waging war to Sibagindar (?) and
that you have captured my subjects, n.l. Si and Rompis
Guru Mangambat say.
But I have received words of peace from the great lord of
Medan and the great lord of Resident Tapanuli and Controller
Barus of the war will not Kompenie itself against me and
those over whom I reign.
I have given my letter to the great lord of Resident
Medan and the great lord of Tapanuli and the Resident Auditor
Barus, that there is peace and I will not make war in the Kompenie
Pending the outcome of the meeting of the afgezenten (?)
the prince of Bardus [Barus] and Raja Hatorussn and the prince of Tungka,
Kompenie me see that and those over whom I reign will not
war that will not break Kompenie (which is not desirable
is?) and now I say to Mr. 'Superior General ": Turn ye back,
Go with me and not always by those over whom I reign to
war, because according to my letter to the great lord
Resident of Medan Resident and Resident of the great lord and Tapanuli
Barus auditor is not permissible for me and the Kompenie
those over whom I reign bother (with what is not wanted?).
So now, if Mr. "Colonel General" to his troops not
returns violates the Kompenie the words of peace and
appointment made by the great lord of Resident Medan
and the great lord of Resident Tapanuli and Mr. Auditor
Bardus [Barus]. So I say, finally, if there are complaints of my
nationals Boang with you KompenÃe, send your letter to me
Pakpak that I commissioned research to indicate that my subjects no difficulties, so go away from here. If you do not
want to go, then you violate the letter of peace, which was
with the great Mr. Resident of Tapanuli and the great lord
Resident of Medan and Mr Barus auditor. So be it.
the month of November 3 the day - 1904.
Kartika, please encourage your friends to keep the Batak language alive, preserved, even if it is in Latin. The Latin maybe later translated into other Romance languages and English etc. Sometimes manuscripts and stories and songs are lost. Please save them and eventually, I'm sure, these will eventually be translated back into the Bataknese. I'm sure the Komputer text for Bataknese will become available, in time. :)
and the Dutch/Belander translation (text). Perhaps somebody else can provide a better English translation of the Dutch text. John.
in het Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
No. 687/75.
Dit is een brief van (onze vorst) Si Singa Mangaradja, die
regeert over de zwartogigen ( de Bataks ), gericht tot de
heer "overste generaal", leider van de oorlog van de Kompenie.
De reden, dat deze brief komt tot de heer "overste generaal" is
deze: ik heb gehoord, dat U oorlog voert te Sibagindar (?) en
dat U mijn onderdanen hebt gevangen genomen, n.l. Si Rompis en
Guru Mangambat zegt men.
Maar ik heb woorden van vrede ontvangen van de grote heer van
Medan en de grote heer Resident van Tapanuli en van de controleur
van Barus dat de Kompenie geen oorlog zal voeren tegen mij en
degenen over wie ik regeer.
Ik heb ook mijn brief gegeven aan de grote heer Resident van
Medan en de grote heer Resident van Tapanuli en de controleur van
Barus, dat er vrede is en ik de Kompenie niet zal beoorlogen in
afwachting van het resultaat van de ontmoeting van de afgezenten (?)
van de vorst van Bardus [Barus] en radja Hatorussn en de vorst van Tungka,
dat de Kompenie niij en degenen over wie ik regeer niet zal
beoorlogen, dat de Kompenie niet zal overtreden (wat niet gewenst
is?) en nu zeg ik tot de heer "overste generaal": Keert gij terug,
ga niet steeds door met mij en degenen over wie ik regeer te
beoorlogen, want overeenkomstig mijn brief aan de grote heer
Resident van Medan Resident en de grote heer Resident van Tapanuli en de
controleur van Barus is het niet geoorloofd dat de Kompenie mij en
degenen over wie ik regeer lastig valt ( met wat niet gewenst is ? ).
Dus nu: als de heer "overste generaal" met zijn troepen niet
terugkeert overtreedt de Kompenie de woorden van vrede en de
afspraak , die gemaakt zijn door de grote heer Resident van Medan
en de grote heer Resident van Tapanuli en de heer controleur van
Bardus [Barus]. Daarom zeg ik tenslotte: als er klachten zijn van mijn
onderdanen te Boang bij U KompenÃe, stuur Uw brief naar mij in
Pakpak opdat ik opdracht geef tot onderzoek opdat mijn onderdanen
geen moeilijkheden hebben, ga daarom weg van hier. Als gij niet
wilt weggaan, dan overtreedt gij de brief van vrede, die werd
gegeven door de grote heer Resident van Tapanuli en de grote heer
Resident van Medan en de heer controleur van Barus. Zo zij het.
de maand november 3 de dag - 1904.
Can someone provide me with the transliterated Batak text, so that I could perhaps make a better translation of said letter, thanks!
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