Thursday, October 02, 2014

#Wikidata - Francesca Morvillo assassinated by the #maffia

Mr Morvillo and her husband were assassinated by the mafia in 1992. It is important to remind ourselves that organisations that consider themselves a law unto themselves are lethal and parasitic by nature.

All kinds of everything are researched and, the "gender divide" is a favourite uncontroversial subject in the Wikimedia world. FYI there are over 1,907,292 men and 352,006 women known to Wikidata. Given the high numbers the ratio between them is likely to remain the same even though there are still some  275,400 known humans to be sexed.

As I was adding men, I found it peculiar that a Mr Morvillo whose first name is Francesca was considered to be a male. A picture was associated with this person on the Italian Wikipedia and the associated text left no doubt: he was a she,

When you are adding information all the time, there are bound to be numerous errors. It was a fluke that I caught on to this one, There is no doubt that by importing information wholesale from the Wikipedias, many factual errors are introduced in Wikidata. That cannot be helped. Comparing information with other sources will indicate likely errors. Such comparisons is how we can ensure a quality that is at least as good as all the rest,

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