Monday, October 27, 2014

#Wikimedia - Men at work; preparing a #presentation I - #WCN2014

This saturday I will present about #Wikidata at the annual conference of the Dutch Wikimedia chapter. As I have a day job too, I have started preparing. I want my presentation to be factual, challenging and inspiring.

The facts are simple; Wikidata is almost two years old. It started with incorporating all interwiki links. The development team is really small, it does an awesome job and typically Wikidata is available, responsive and up to the job. The ambitions are huge; the challenge is to add to the existing work load while keeping the ship afloat.

If there is to be a challenge in my presentation, it will be that our aim is "to share in the sum of all knowledge". Our aim should be to share all the knowledge we have available to us with our readers. At this time only a few Wikipedias go the extra mile and will inform that we have information available in one of our other projects. This is done by adding results from searching Wikidata and showing as much text as is available in the local language.

One challenge is to do this for the Dutch Wikipedia as well.

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