Saturday, October 27, 2018

#Library #Science - Prof Dr Frank Huysmans

Mr Huysman's works at the Universiteit Amsterdam. He teaches "Library sciences" and as is usual for a scientist, he has a fair share of publications to his name.

The problem is that this field of science is not well represented in Wikidata. There were no publications to his name. Importing them from ORCiD proved problematic; only four were added out of the 22 known there. Working from what was known, it was possible to add co-authors and enrich those, seek out their co-authors and enrich them as well. The result is the current 40 publications to Mr Huysman's name.

Mr Huysman has both a Twitter and an ORCiD account. Everybody who does, in Wikidata, will have his or her profile in Wikidata updated thanks to a job that is running by Daniel Mietchen. They are the ones who publicly promote their science and in this way they gain some additional credibility.

NB when you have an ORCiD and twitter, tweet #IcanHazWikidata and you will get your Qid.

When you care about your science, do maintain your ORCiD profile because it will make your papers, your co-authors and the organisation for more visible in Wikidata.. Your #Scholia profile will get better and better and chances of being quoted in Wikipedia improve.

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