Saturday, November 10, 2018

More #impact for your #science is in being a #source at @wikipedia

In a study about how students research a new subject it was found that they read the Wikipedia article first. Then they move to its sources and from there it takes off.

In order to have an impact you, as a scientist, wants to be their first getting the attention of your work. There are a few tips.
  • Make sure that you and your work are known. First make your work known at ORCiD. From there it gets into Wikidata
  • PS check out the Scholia presentation of you and your scientific work.. (example)
  • Make sure that your work can be read. Wikipedia actively seeks free reads using the OAbot.
  • Do not think that current practices of your field will benefit new scientists in the future. Many fields are not well represented at ORCiD
For your information. There is a database with the sources used in Wikipedia. The only thing lacking is that this database still needs to be integrated in Wikidata for it to gain a real impact.

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