Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Kotava is a constructed language, it is recognised as an ISO-639-3 language (avk), and they have started their encyclopaedic project at Europalingua.eu. They are doing really good at making sure that their language is supported well in MediaWiki; currently 76.56% of the core messages have been localised in their continuing effort.

With the recognition of Kotava in the ISO-639-3, Kotava was added to OmegaWiki as a language that can be used for editing. What I am really happy with is the way Kotava is supported. The first thing that was done is localise the user interface in Betawiki, and today I received a file with translations and definitions of the languages of the ISO-639-1.

For OmegaWiki Kotava is a great example on how to support a language. Everything that can be done has been done. When Brion makes the next release of MediaWiki we hope to upgrade to this release. The nice people at Betawiki are planning on supporting the last stable release starting with the next release. This would mean that we will be able to update the MediaWiki localisation as well as the OmegaWiki localisation.

In the mean time, I am proud that we support Kotava already this well.

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