Picard is the only language that does not inform us about its traffic, its number of articles.. When you look at the traffic statistics for instance, they are beautiful; it features normalised months and edit statistics per language. It is awesome..
...but this little Wikipedia written by these people from the north of France. They have no part in it. They are a rule to themselves; you only learn about them by going there.
1 comment:
OK, I looked at this. Ironically their independence was part of the cause: it turns out their user_groups.sql table is completely empty, no admins, sysops, bots, etc, nothing.
Wikistats detected this and thought this was so suspicious that it aborted processing. This actually is an overreaction, it now signals this but continues.
Chain effect: page view data are only processed for wikis that have already been processed succesfully by WikiCounts job (to keep out all kind of nonsense requests to non existing wikis say foebar.wikimedia.org)
Page views are now online.
Detailed wikistats report for Picard will only follow once dump process has been fixed: recently many dumps got corrupted, some were already processed by wikistats, so no new reports till bug has been fixed (Tomasz works on it) and all dumps have been regenerated.
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