Hidden among the many pictures of Malayalam loves Wikipedia, there is a picture of a bucket full of cashew sprouts.
Bucket full of cashew sprouts |
Because it is a picture of a bucket full of cashew sprouts, these sprouts themselves do not get the detailed attention they deserve.
cashew sprouts |
When you google for "
cashew sprouts" there is not much to find. There are no pictures of cashew sprouts either so I wonder, why do they have these sprouts in a bucket? Are they going to eat them, are they going to plant them?
There is no one Indian cuisine and if there is, I love it. However, I have never had cashew sprouts in a dish. Probably there is much in the Indian kitchen that you can only taste in India.
This is used to eat as it is, and also use to prepare curry. Usually use before the part become dark green(or matured).
see also:
Yes, They do get eaten! :)
These sprouts are normally available during the season immediately after the rains. Those fallen nuts lying on ground and somehow missed to pick up by harvesters, would have germinated in the fertile soil by this time.
Another lot comes from the late crops. Some of the ill-fated cashew fruits(+nuts) are late to mature. If the rains have arrived before they are harvested, the seeds become useless for normal market consumption. In this case, they are better used at home either directly or after slight sprouting, in 'curries'.
Kindly see the picture of cashew sprout dish.
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