Saturday, June 07, 2014

#Dutch (National #Library, #DBpedia, #Wikimedia chapter) cooperation

So far #Wikidata did not have much in the sense of GLAM attention. When the Koninklijke bibliotheek, the Dutch (DBpedia and Wikimedia) chapter have anything to say about it, this will change.

Their aim is to bring the sum of all Dutch authors to Wikidata. You can imagine that a national library knows about these authors. You can imagine that the Dutch Wikipedia knows many of them and so does the Dutch DBpedia. The great thing of this cooperation is that DBpedia will identify those authors Wikipedia knows so that a clean list of new items can be added to completely include all these authors.

There have been several meetings about it, an RFC happened in Wikidata and importing all this data is the first objective. The mapping of attributes for authors to both DBpedia and Wikidata will be published and when this meets approval the import will happen.

Once it is all imported, DBpedia will be aware of all the changes to both Wikidata and the Dutch Wikipedia. It will keep its data up to date and when this finds approval, it can do this for Wikidata as well. There is no license issue as the Dutch DBpedia considers any updates "real time" and all updates happen under the license of the project involved in their own process.

When this project is completed, when all the details have been worked out, other collaborations between these four parties are possible. For instance, many authors received awards for their works or for a specific book and there may be more books..

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