Monday, March 08, 2010

"Heritage 2.0"

Erfgoed 2.0 is a Dutch blog about how GLAM's make use of the tools provided by what is called "Web 2.0". Many of the subjects discussed are fascinating and they help me understand what a GLAM is and how GLAM people think and operate.

Often I wonder how it would be when we used "social functionality", gaming or rewards in projects like Wikipedia or Commons. One project I came across was MapIt1418, this website invites people to geo tag pictures of the Dutch National Archive about the first world war.

As people in many countries have an interest in the first world war, it is a sad omission that the software is only available in Dutch. The good news is that the software is available under an open source license, so the National Archive may invest in the internationalisation and, it may end up being localised at Alternatively, other GLAMs can collaborate in making the software internationalised.

MapIt1418 invites people to geo tag the pictures and this makes it into a challenge, every month a prize can be won which is a quality print of one of the photos featuring on the website.

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